This guy hosts 1v1 all the time, if he wins, he does nothing, BUT if he loses he uses an exploit to make the game never appear in the stats. He did it to me this morning twice, lost so badly both times, and then it never showed up. I didn't know about it at the time, it just looks like he leaves the game and then it never shows up on your game list. I did save the replay of the second game using my last game file. He's number 4 on the ladder, I WONDER WHY. My only question is if he never has to lose, why isn't he number one?
I only have evidence from the second game because I didn't know he was doing it until i checked the stats after the second one. I had a feeling with 75% wins and being that bad, something must be up, and it was.
Here's the screenshot of me winning:
Here's the replay:
Here's my stats page, the game took place Today, may 20th at 5 am, the first game 25 min earlier, you'll notice niether appear in my stats. What a noob.